10 Questions (or more) for Ninjas #1: Kevin Mullervy (Ginger #1)

10 Questions (or more) for Ninjas #1: Kevin Mullervy (Ginger #1)

Now for something a little different. We'll be asking cyclists, starting with some of our old teammates (like Kevin) rapid fire questions.  Kevin (and his brother Conor) helped test the early prototypes of our Sub62 case, and have been using them for the past 5 years. Check them out on Instagram: Kevin, Conor, Team Clif Bar.

Kevin Mullervy Team Clif Bar USAcrits Orucase

What’s your name? Kevin Mullervy (Ginger 1)

Favorite non-cycling activity? Being outside and doing something active

How much money have you saved using an Airport Ninja? $21,456.98

Coolest city/country you’ve ever been to? Singapore

Field sprint or breakaway? Breakaway

How many PSI do you run in your tires? 80 dry 60 wet

What’s your favorite cassette size? 11/25

 Kevin Mullervy Team clif bar usacrits orucase

Longest bike ride? 160 miles (not crit life)

Leg warmers or knee warmers? LEGS for the love of everything thing that matters, please don’t wear knee warmers

Campy, Shimano, or Sram? Shimano

Power meter? YES

Left or right hand turns? All the turns

Favorite amount of turns in a crit course? All of them, the more the better

What type of bike do you ride? Vynl (aluminum) 

Ales or lagers? Ales

Pancakes or waffles? Waffles

What’s the most ridiculous fact you know? Only 2% of people have red hair

In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet? Time suck

Kevin Mullervy team clif bar usacrits orucase